Nursery Policies


Your childs temperature will be taken before entering the nursery. If your child is displaying a high temperature i.e. 38 degrees or above then they will not be admitted for that day.
Anyone entering the nursery reception must be wearing a mask and use the hand sanitiser provided before checking in their child.
Childrens shoes will have to removed upon entry.

They will put them on for outside play but whilst inside the nursery they will be required to be without shoes.
It is impossible for children as young as the children in the nursery to be put in a situation where they are expected to socially distance at 1.5 m at all times.

Therefore, we ask parents recognise this and sign our form upon matriculation agreeing to this and understand that we are taking all precautions possible to prevent any spread.
Until a vaccine becomes available, we also recommend that as soon as you arrive at your home, children clothes are removed immediately and washed in a washing machine.
The Nursery and all of its contents will be disinfected on a daily basis after the last child has left.


Data Protection Policy

Dragonitos data protection policy
Policy brief & purpose
Our Company Data Protection Policy refers to our commitment to treat information of employees, customers, stakeholders and other interested parties with the utmost care and confidentiality.
With this policy, we ensure that we gather, store and handle data fairly, transparently and with respect towards individual rights.

This policy refers to all parties (employees, job candidates, customers, suppliers etc.) who provide any amount of information to us.
Who is covered under the Data Protection Policy?
Employees of our company and its subsidiaries must follow this policy. Contractors, consultants, partners and any other external entity are also covered. Generally, our policy refers to anyone we collaborate with or acts on our behalf and may need occasional access to data.

Policy elements
As part of our operations, we need to obtain and process information. This information includes any offline or online data that makes a person identifiable such as names, addresses, usernames and passwords, digital footprints, photographs, social security numbers, financial data etc.
Our company collects this information in a transparent way and only with the full cooperation and knowledge of interested parties. Once this information is available to us, the following rules apply.

Our data will be:

  • Accurate and kept up-to-date
  • Collected fairly and for lawful purposes only
  • Processed by the company within its legal and moral boundaries
  • Protected against any unauthorized or illegal access by internal or external parties

Our data will not be:

  • Communicated informally
  • Stored for more than a specified amount of time
  • Transferred to organizations, states or countries that do not have adequate data protection policies
  • Distributed to any party other than the ones agreed upon by the data’s owner (exempting legitimate requests from law enforcement authorities)

In addition to ways of handling the data the company has direct obligations towards people to whom the data belongs. Specifically we must:

  • Let people know which of their data is collected
  • Inform people about how we’ll process their data
  • Inform people about who has access to their information
  • Have provisions in cases of lost, corrupted or compromised data
  • Allow people to request that we modify, erase, reduce or correct data contained in our databases

To exercise data protection we’re committed to:

  • Restrict and monitor access to sensitive data
  • Develop transparent data collection procedures
  • Train employees in online privacy and security measures
  • Build secure networks to protect online data from cyberattacks
  • Establish clear procedures for reporting privacy breaches or data misuse
  • Include contract clauses or communicate statements on how we handle data
  • Establish data protection practices (document shredding, secure locks, data encryption, frequent backups, access authorization etc.)

Our data protection provisions will appear on our website.

Disciplinary Consequences

All principles described in this policy must be strictly followed. A breach of data protection guidelines will invoke disciplinary and possibly legal action.

Sickness Policy

The nursery is intended for healthy children. It is expected that children who are unwell will be kept at home by their parents. Every child’s temperature will be taken upon entry and they will not be allowed to enter if their temperature is high. They will also be refused entry if they have an infectious illness, a rash (except nappy rash), conjunctivitis, has vomited in the last 12 hours or has diarrhoea. Also if the child has been given Calpol, paracetamol etc in the last 8 hours they cannot be admitted.
If a child becomes ill during the day the parent will be contacted and asked to take their child home. The child may then need to see their doctor. A child may return to the nursery once fully recovered. However certain restrictions still apply as below:

High Temperature
A child with a high temperature should not attend the nursery until it has gone down naturally, without the assistance of any type of medication having been given in the last 8 hours. If a child develops a high temperature whilst at nursery the parents will be telephoned and asked to take their child home. If a child is sent home on two consecutive days with a high temperature, a clearance note will be required from the doctor before they return to the nursery.

Vomiting or Diarrhoea
A child with diarrhoea and/or vomiting should not attend the nursery. If a child starts vomiting or he/she passes more than two diarrhoea stools (i.e liquid stools) while in the nursery the parents will be notified and asked to collect their child. The child will not be accepted back into the nursery until 48 hours has elapsed after the last bout diarrhoea and 24 hours after the last bout of vomiting.

Rash or Virus
A child who has a rash or who has been diagnosed by their doctor to have a non-specific virus may not attend the nursery without a clearance note. If a child develops a rash during the day, the parents will be contacted and asked to take their child to the doctor.

This is a highly infectious condition, and a child suffering from conjunctivitis should not attend nursery until the condition has been adequately treated with antibiotic drops or ointment prescribed by their doctor. The child should remain at home for 48 hours after starting treatment and may only return to Nursery when the eye is completely clear of discharge and redness.

Prescribed Medicines
Nursery workers are allowed to administer medicines prescribed by a doctor for a child, but only if a parent signs the Medicine Book giving his/her consent to the administration of such medicines. Note that nursery workers are not able to prescribe themselves and cannot administer any medication without the written consent of a parent. Any prescribed medicine must commence on the day of prescription

Prescribed antibiotics can be administered in accordance with the above paragraph, but the child will not be allowed into the nursery until 48 hours after starting the course of antibiotics, and then only if the child is free from a high temperature and any adverse side effects from the medicine (e.g vomiting or diarrhoea) and is well enough to cope with the Nursery day.

It is expected that all children will have received their first and second triple and polio immunisations before attending the Nursery. The children will not be allowed into the Nursery on the day of immunisation or for 48 hours after polio immunisation. (The one-day exclusion also applies to any immunisations given prior to overseas travel, and after receiving the MMR).

In the event of an accident, the Nursery Manager will assess the situation and will contact the parent immediately if considered necessary. Accidents in the Nursery WILL happen. Although everything will be done to protect your child, accidents are still an integral part of learning and growing up. All accidents will be recorded in the Accident Book which the parent will be asked to sign.

Other information
Principles of management of the major infectious disorders i.e measles, chicken pox, german measles, covid 19 are laid down in the local authority documents. Return to the Nursery after such an illness will usually be allowed when the childs temperature has settled and any rash has disappeared, but should be discussed with the Nursery manager first.
All medications will be properly stored out of the reach of children.

Behaviour Management Policy

To deter unacceptable behaviour by a child, a member of staff would normally offer an immediate rebuke. Usually the tone of voice used is sufficient to deter any further inappropriate behaviour by the child.
However, should this fail then withdrawing the child to another activity or part of the room may be necessary.
We do not support children being punished within the nursery by being shouted at, smacked, excluded, naughty chair or any other humiliating situation. We ask that parents also adhere to this policy when on the Nursery premises.

Biting is an extremely upsetting situation for everyone concerned. Parents and Nursery staff will both be understandably upset. There is no easy answer to this especially when very young children are involved. The behaviour normally stops as abruptly as it began but if it the case that a child is known to bite then please make us aware so that we can:
Make staff aware to be extra vigilant and potentially identify the situation before it develops.
Staff can alternate monitoring a child and remove the child quietly from a situation if they anticipate it could cause a problem.
If there is an appropriate age gap between the biting child and the bitten child, one can be removed to another part of the nursery.
Almost inevitably, it will be a young child biting another young child and reasoning cannot be applied, but in a situation where an older child is biting and can understand tone of voice, concern and reasoning from the staff may solve the problem.
On no account will the biting child be punished. Parents will be informed and we will ask for your co-operation. Care and understanding is the foremost concern as it is often devastating for the parents of a child who bites.